Anyone else drained from all these political post? Please don't get me wrong. Your opinions do matter. Perhaps if you refrained from posting, commenting or reading something that is clearly causing you pain, or anger. Does it hurt me? Does it bother my spirit? Yes! Of course it does, but I'm going to pray God opens a new way of thinking, a new perspective for me.

Please don't get me started on Trump. You don't like him? Me neither, so what? I see more people who don't like him spread info about him than those that do. I personally didn't like Obama either, but I didn't go bashing him on every social media I had available to me. What purpose would that serve? I'll tell you what I did do. I prayed for him to make the right choices, and for God to intervene. I'll do the same for this next administration. We must pray for all nations, all people.

Family, don't get sucked into this trap the enemy is placing before us. I'm not here for a debate, and I'm not saying that there are not underlying issues that need to be addressed such as true racism. Which my family, extended family and friends have endured. I'm just saying, pray about things before you post them. What kind of message are you sharing? Are you part of the solution, or the problem? Please know that no matter what, God is still on the throne.
"Now I urge you brethren, note those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them." Roman 16:17

God Bless Family


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