The other day I was trying to take a nice picture of my new hair cut! I can remember only 1 time it was this short and that was in my 20's! 

Anyway- I was taking some "selfies" which I'm TOTALLY HORRIBLE at. I took like 157 photo's and finally found one that was usable.. hahaha I'm only kidding, I didn't take that many, but there were more than 5. LOL

So I finally found a picture I liked and posted it to my FB page. I got many likes, a few comments, telling me how great the picture was! I thought to myself, "if only they new how many pics it took! lol"
I'm sure i'm not the only one with this issue. 

This had me thinking about how social media plays such a roll in our securities and insecurities. Young and old, find themselves comparing what and who they are, to what and who everyone else is. 
Young and old, find themselves comparing what and who they are,to what and who everyone else is.
When I became a teenager, I struggled with insecurity. I can't remember a defining moment in my life when I began these feelings of insecurity. However I do remember thinking, if only I had her hair, her nose, or if only I had that talent, then i'd be happy.

I put myself down for so long, that I didn't realize I was doing more damage to myself rather than helping myself. I let everyone else influence me instead of the person who created me. 

If I said that after becoming a born again believer, my insecurities left me. That would simply not be the case. In fact, I can say, that the enemy has used that to attack me more than before. If i'm not carefully focused on the LORD, I can tailspin into a sea of low self esteem, low self confidence, eventually it could lead into something worse. 

I thought of a dream the Lord gave me a year ago. I can't remember if I was struggling with anything in particular at the time, but I wanted to share, because I think we all could use the reminder to keep our eyes on the Father, and how he sees us! 

In the dream I was looking through a book, all other words around the book were blurry, but one word jumped out from the page at me, almost as if it was being magnified. The word I saw was Nava.
Nava - נאוה
 When I woke up from the dream I quickly grabbed my phone, looked up the word and my heart was overwhelmed.

Nava is a Hebrew word that means "beautiful" .

Beautiful- The LORD, the one who formed my inmost being (Psalm 139:13) thought I was beautiful to him. Never mind what I think of myself, never mind, how much I compare, never mind how deep the insecure tendencies travel, no matter the restrictions I place on myself,  I am HIS MASTERPIECE! God is not one who makes mistakes, and we are his creation!!


You are fearfully and wonderfully made! Be confident, be content, be pleased in all that you are. Place your insecurities, anxieties and worries upon The Lord. It is his delight to take all of that from you!!


Lord I am praying for the ladies like me. The ladies who have had deep insecurities, or for those are struggling with issues today with who they are as the World sees them. Let them transition their focus not on how the world sees them but LORD to how YOU see them. Let their hearts be filled with your abundant peace, and love. Let them be reminded daily that they are NAVA in your eyes. Lord I ask that they cling to your words, that when they read it, they feel your presence, and what true beauty is.
I ask this in your matchless name! AMEN!!

God Bless Family!


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