I was struggling with feeling a little bit neglected from God this morning. It wasn't an ungrateful feeling, I acknowledged all that he has comforted me with and I thanked him. Rather it was a struggle with the feeling of inadequacy as a parent. I just felt like if given a different station in life, I could have awarded my children with all the opportunities that I wished they could have, or that I never had when I was a young girl. I began to feel slighted in a way. Was life always meant to be a struggle? In the grand scheme of things, is what I am going through right now even worthy of a prayer or conversation to The Lord when there are so many more pressing prayers probably being said at this moment?

As I bowed my head, closed my eyes to pray and quiet the lies of the enemy, immediately, Psalm 121 was given to my spirit. I opened my eyes so fast. I was almost startled that The Lord spoke to me so quickly, that I questioned if it was him or me. There was no way I thought of that particular Bible chapter because I was in the mindset to pray.

So I open up Psalm 121 this is what the Lord said to me:
I will lift up my eyes to the hills—From whence comes my help? 
My help comes from the Lord,Who made heaven and earth. 
He will not allow your foot to be moved;He who keeps you will not slumber. 
 Behold, He who keeps Israel Shall neither slumber nor sleep.  
The Lord is your keeperThe Lord is your shade at your right hand.
The sun shall not strike you by day, Nor the moon by night.  
The Lord shall preserve you from all evil; He shall preserve your soul.  
The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in From this time forth, and even forevermore.
He made me cry right there in my office. He said to me, "The LORD is your keeper; The LORD is your shade at your right hand."

What matters to me, matters to him. Beloved don't ever think that anything is too insignificant to bring to GOD in prayer. That's foolish thinking. Exactly what the enemy would love, for us to try and handle things all on our own. When going through the hills & valleys, there are big hills and there are smaller hills, just because they are different sizes doesn't mean they are any less important in getting you to your destination. Let us bring all things to God in Prayer, big or small.


I pray for those reading this right now; struggling with something they think is too small to come to you in prayer, or even ask others for prayer, whether it be a good grade, getting into college, passing a drivers test, getting a date, knowing what gift to give someone, safe travels somewhere,  help with learning something new, a better-looking couch, help with sleeping, anything God, please let your child come to you tonight with an expectant heart. Let them deliver the weight that may be holding them down to your shoulders LORD. Let them bring all things to you in prayer, even if they think it's not worthy of prayer. You are a Good GOD and you love your children. Thank you for teaching us that what matters to us, matters to you. WE love you, in Jesus' Mighty Name we ask all these things. Amen

God Bless Family


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